



Degree Certificate


Department of (专业名称)


To Whom It May Concern:

I am the holder of this degree certificate, which is awarded to me by the (学历/学位授予单位) in recognition of my achievements in the field of (专业名称). This document serves as proof of my academic achievements and my commitment to learning.

Throughout my time at (学校名称), I have gained valuable knowledge and skills that have helped me to develop into a well-rounded individual with a strong foundation in the field of (专业名称). I have also developed valuable qualities such as perseverance, creativity, and critical thinking, which have enabled me to succeed in my studies and in life.

In particular, I would like to highlight my achievements in the following areas: (列举你的主要成就和荣誉). These accomplishments have helped me to demonstrate my abilities and talents in a variety of contexts, and they serve as evidence of my dedication and hard work.

I am proud to hold this degree certificate, which represents not only my academic achievements but also the support and guidance of my family, teachers, and mentors. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and am confident that I will continue to grow and achieve success in my future endeavors.

Signature: (你的签名)

Date: (日期)

Exam Passing Certificate


Department of (专业名称)


To Whom It May Concern:

I am the holder of this exam passing certificate, which proves that I have successfully completed an exam or course in the field of (专业名称). This document serves as evidence of my academic achievements and my commitment to learning.

Throughout my time at (学校名称), I have developed valuable knowledge and skills in the field of (专业名称), which has enabled me to succeed in my studies and in life. I have also developed valuable qualities such as perseverance, creativity, and critical thinking, which have enabled me to approach challenges with confidence and success.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in this exam or course, which has allowed me to test my knowledge and skills and to improve them where necessary. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and am confident that I will continue to grow and achieve success in my future endeavors.

Signature: (你的签名)

Date: (日期)




