


(School seal)


To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that (Name), who is a student of Shenyang High School, has successfully completed the requirements of the high school curriculum and has been awarded the high school diploma.

(Name)'s academic record includes:

1、Successful completion of (list courses and their credits here).

2、Participation in (list any extra-curricular activities or clubs).

3、(Name)'s attendance record has been excellent, with no significant absences or tardiness.

4、(Name)'s behavior and conduct have been exemplary, with no serious disciplinary issues.

In summary, (Name) has demonstrated the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in further education or employment. We wish him/her all the best in his/her future endeavors.


Shenyang High School



Note: This template is for reference only. A real high school diploma will have different content and format depending on the school and region.

