


Graduating Student's Name: [填写姓名]

School Name: [填写学校名称]

Province: [填写省份名称]

Date of Birth: [填写出生日期]

Grade: [填写毕业年级]

Subjects Taught: [填写所修科目]

Certificate Type: High School Diploma

Certificate Issued by: [填写学校名称]

[Certificate Content]

Dear Graduating Student,

We are pleased to present you with your high school diploma, which is a significant milestone in your academic journey. Through your time at this institution, you have developed valuable skills and knowledge that will serve you well in your future endeavors.

Academic Accomplishments:

Year-End Grades: [填写各科成绩]

Subjects Taught: [所修科目对应的成绩]

Extra-Curricular Activities: [填写参加的课外活动]

Awards and Recognitions: [填写获得的奖项和荣誉]

Special Notes: [填写特殊备注]

School Emblem: [学校的校徽]

[Certificate Signature]




This high school diploma represents years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It is a testament to your academic achievements and the efforts you have put into your studies. Remember, this is just the beginning of your journey, and there is much more to discover and accomplish. Good luck in your future endeavors!

